Dr Jolanta Williams
BChiro., I.C.A.K.A., M.N.Z.C.A.

At 9 years old, my mum took me to see her local chiropractor who specialized in applied kinesiology, and I knew by the time I left that office that chiropractic was going to be my future.
I graduated from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic in 2005 and haven't stopped learning since. I have since become certified in applied kinesiology and also completed seminars in neuro emotive technique (NET), nutrition, Bach flower remedies and various structural chiropractic techniques including cranial release techniques and Retained Primitive Reflexes.
I live the lessons I teach and I'm always my own first guinea pig to prove that something really works! I believe that life is about balance. A balance of stress, fun, relaxation and love. A balance of body, mind, spirit and nutrition. My job at The Healing Room is to direct the body in removing any interference to this balance.